Thursday 11 August 2011

Are we so addicted to the "The social networking"?

Each day, I will be opening my facebook account more than 10 times, checking friends updates, viewing videos, pics etc etc. At our office fb is blocked and it can be accessed only for half n hour during the lunch break and I have seen almost every one, including me, checking fb at least once before leaving for lunch. Guys wats going on ? Is this pure addiction? Some where I read a nice statement which says, "FB has became so popular on a simple principle that every one are more interested in others life than their own." I think its pretty true.

I want to share an indecent I have noticed recently and that provoked me to write this blog. Two days back, I opened my fb and saw one of my friends written his stats as, "Met with an accident right now and hand broken or whatever". I think he had updated the stats on the way to hospital or whilst resting with the broken hand. The very next day I have opened the fb and I found the pics of the broken hand updated in his account. :-) Even in that pain, my friend's mind was tumbling to update the fb stats. The funniest thing is that, below the pic with the broken hand, I could find some of the guys expressing "LIKE". I don't blame them either, coz fb got only one option i.e, "like" (Its time for Zuckenberg to think of new button called - unlike or something).What is going on guys? Are we so addicted to this new evolution called "The social networking"?

Even while writing this blog, my fb account is opened in one of the tab. No wonder a company which was started in 2004, by a kid called Mark Zuckerberg has become one of the best companies in the world in this short span. Kudos to him. A movie recently released called "The social network" which narrates about Facebook and its founder Mark Zuckerberg. Its worth watching.


Thursday 4 August 2011

Awaiting "7AM ARIVU" - Upcoming tamil movie which means 7th sense..!

Finally the crew had released the posters for the upcoming movie "7AM ARIVU" which means 7th sense and one of the pic is attached below. I'm just waiting for the release date to be announced and to make sure to hit for the first day, first show :-) There are so many interesting facts about this movie, first of all the hero is "Surya".. He is a brilliant actor and I am sure that he gonna rock this movie. Secondly the movie is directed by A. R. Murugadoss (Directed movie Ghajini) and music is done by Harris Jayaraj. No one can expect a better combo than this, it will be fun.

The heroine for the movie is Shruthi Hassan - Daughter of star Kamal Hassan. So finally, after a long gap, we can expect a good flick from Tollywood and keep the fingers crossed..! And no worries for those who doesn't understand Tamil because, I read somewhere that they got the plan to dub it Hindi and other languages soon.


Monday 4 July 2011

Its a bad day for me..!

For every one, there will be bad as well as good time, through out the life and I believe that's what life is about. And for me very unfortunately today is my worst day. Its okay, I can't expect all the time to be happy and prosperous. Guys, I am sure you never gonna ask me for the reason :-) How can I be so sure its the worst day for me? May be its for better prospects of my life, a twist in my life itself.

The reason I am sharing this is coz , any time, any of you gonna have a bad time in your life, never get panic and heart broken, face the fact and go ahead. And that's the same thing I'm gonna do right now. Always be happy and make others happy, never think of the past as well as future, just do your best in the present and be happy :-) Always think that a lot better things gonna happen in your life. So cheers guys :-)

Friday 24 June 2011

Tablets, Comparison..!

After the innovation of Ipad by Apple, tablets have become a status symbol for most of us. After Ipad, a lot other tablets were introduced by various companies and I've heard couple of new tablets like BlackBerry PlayBoy, Motorola Xoom and Galaxy tab etc equally good and competitive. No matter what the news says, Apple is unique and one of a kind, trendsetters :-). Any ways if anyone is interested in buying a tab, can look at the below link, which I found very useful for easy comparison.

Click here...!Tablets, Compared


Thursday 23 June 2011

Indian Media - Does it have any standard these days?

Last day, i.e, on 22nd June 2011, as usual I was going though the news papers and I saw a column in the first page of Times Of India, Bangalore edition. The news was nothing but, "Ash Pregnant,tweets thrilled pa-in-law Big B". I was wondering, does this particular news have this much importance to be in the first page of the best selling news paper? If I am correct India is the second highest, in terms of population and millions of babies are born every week, what makes it so special to be in the first page? Apart from hundreds of scams and murders and other hot news which are happening across the country, for TOI, this is the hottest news :-)
I am attaching the screen shot of the TOI first page below:

I convinced my self that it might have that much importance since the baby is from Bachan's family, whatever...! The very next day I again I check the paper and saw an other shocking news, attaching the screen shot (Marked in red circle) below:
The news says, "Baby girl or twins for Ash!" and another link which says, "Baby girl for Ash-Abhi!". I am sure that, Amithab Bachan will be thinking, "why the hell I had tweeted the news" :-) Can Indian media write anything about anyone? Does the Indian media have got any kind of restrictions? I really don't know the answers for the above questions. Lets all face the atrocities from this kind of medias. So Folks, don't get shocked reading the news paper tomorrow, even GOD doesn't have any clue what they gonna write in the coming articles :-)


Thursday 16 June 2011

Harris Jayaraj, The legend..!

Hey Folks..!

For the whole last month I was listening to some amazing mixed collection of rock, pop, classic etc., but after repetition for a long time, it’s no more so soothing to my ears and I thought of trying something different. First thing came to my mind was some of the Tamil songs which I’ve heard from FM, on my way from Kochi (my native) to Bangalore, when I reached the TN area. I don’t remember exactly which Radio station it was, but the whole journey through Tamil Nadu was a pleasant one with some great tracks, one by one. For my surprise almost all the tracks were good, except some of the real TN songs, with the real aroma of TNJ, I hope you understood what I mean?

I started with some of the latest tracks and really got stuck up with couple of songs and that’s the motivation behind this piece of blog. I am quite sure most of you have tuned it way back and listened to it many times, but if anyone has missed the same, spend some time for it and trust me you won’t regret. Those who don’t understand Tamil, you can just try at least the music and tune, it’s outstanding.
 The brilliant tracks are created by the legendary music director, Harris Jayaraj, for the movies “KO”, “Engeyum Kaadhal” and “7aam Arivu”. I didn’t get enough time to listen to all the songs but I wish to share some of my favorite tracks below (movie name followed by track name):
o   KO - Ennamo Yeadho
o   KO - Amali Thumali
o   Engeyum Kaadhal
o   7aam Arivu – Vilakaathe (Music is not yet released but you can take a preview by downloading the track from the following site:

Harris Jairaj, is one of my all-time favorite music-director, apart from A R Rahman, Ilayaraja and many other legends. He's the brain behind some of the best tracks I have ever listened like Kaakha Kaakha, GhajiniVettaiyaadu VilaiyaaduUnnale UnnaleVaaranam Aayiram.., there are a lot of them, just visit the site: for more details. Just Njoy the tracks and pls do share, if you folks know any of other good tracks recently released. 

Monday 13 June 2011

The best retaliation I have ever seen against a racist rant..!

Recently, I came up with a new YouTube stream which created some controversies across the globe. The issue started when an American college student (Alexandra Wallace), allegedly making a public racist rant, through YouTube, against Asians in her college. She accused that the Asians in her college must learn American manners, i.e. in America, they do not speak on phone in the Library. She also accuses a lot of other things, along with mimicking the way Chinese people talk "Ohhh! Ching chong ling long ting tong? Ohhh!". I don’t want to speak about the whole story here, any ways you can take peek at the below link:

After a while an Asian student from the same college, Jimmy, created a stream against her statement, which is one of the best retaliation I have ever seen till now and that’s the inspiration behind this blog . His creativity became so popular that it’s now downloadable from iTunes and I heard he going to act in some movies, which I’m not sure. You can see his video in the below link:

It’s too good that I’ve heard it couple of times and planning to download.

Apart from the slighter (fun) part, I got a message from the whole controversy and that’s what I wanted to share here. I think any other person (other than Jimmy and group) would have immediately responded with some profanity or abuse blogging etc. but this guy called Jimmy, would have surely spent some quality time for the right approach and his plan was absolutely unique with perfection and I guess that’s the reason everybody liked it, obviously his voice his awesome. So my point here is that whatever you do, think for the best approach, spend some time for planning and do it uniquely. The above statement is my point of view and I am just sharing it across, if it doesn't make any sense to anyone pls enjoy the videos and ignore the rest :-)

Courtesy: My bro for sharing the links.