Thursday 11 August 2011

Are we so addicted to the "The social networking"?

Each day, I will be opening my facebook account more than 10 times, checking friends updates, viewing videos, pics etc etc. At our office fb is blocked and it can be accessed only for half n hour during the lunch break and I have seen almost every one, including me, checking fb at least once before leaving for lunch. Guys wats going on ? Is this pure addiction? Some where I read a nice statement which says, "FB has became so popular on a simple principle that every one are more interested in others life than their own." I think its pretty true.

I want to share an indecent I have noticed recently and that provoked me to write this blog. Two days back, I opened my fb and saw one of my friends written his stats as, "Met with an accident right now and hand broken or whatever". I think he had updated the stats on the way to hospital or whilst resting with the broken hand. The very next day I have opened the fb and I found the pics of the broken hand updated in his account. :-) Even in that pain, my friend's mind was tumbling to update the fb stats. The funniest thing is that, below the pic with the broken hand, I could find some of the guys expressing "LIKE". I don't blame them either, coz fb got only one option i.e, "like" (Its time for Zuckenberg to think of new button called - unlike or something).What is going on guys? Are we so addicted to this new evolution called "The social networking"?

Even while writing this blog, my fb account is opened in one of the tab. No wonder a company which was started in 2004, by a kid called Mark Zuckerberg has become one of the best companies in the world in this short span. Kudos to him. A movie recently released called "The social network" which narrates about Facebook and its founder Mark Zuckerberg. Its worth watching.


1 comment:

  1. Facebook Fever - Once a guy updated his status - 'm gonna sleep on terrace tonight.....' After some time, .. .. .. .. .. 18 Mosquitoes likes his status.. :)
