Monday 13 June 2011

The best retaliation I have ever seen against a racist rant..!

Recently, I came up with a new YouTube stream which created some controversies across the globe. The issue started when an American college student (Alexandra Wallace), allegedly making a public racist rant, through YouTube, against Asians in her college. She accused that the Asians in her college must learn American manners, i.e. in America, they do not speak on phone in the Library. She also accuses a lot of other things, along with mimicking the way Chinese people talk "Ohhh! Ching chong ling long ting tong? Ohhh!". I don’t want to speak about the whole story here, any ways you can take peek at the below link:

After a while an Asian student from the same college, Jimmy, created a stream against her statement, which is one of the best retaliation I have ever seen till now and that’s the inspiration behind this blog . His creativity became so popular that it’s now downloadable from iTunes and I heard he going to act in some movies, which I’m not sure. You can see his video in the below link:

It’s too good that I’ve heard it couple of times and planning to download.

Apart from the slighter (fun) part, I got a message from the whole controversy and that’s what I wanted to share here. I think any other person (other than Jimmy and group) would have immediately responded with some profanity or abuse blogging etc. but this guy called Jimmy, would have surely spent some quality time for the right approach and his plan was absolutely unique with perfection and I guess that’s the reason everybody liked it, obviously his voice his awesome. So my point here is that whatever you do, think for the best approach, spend some time for planning and do it uniquely. The above statement is my point of view and I am just sharing it across, if it doesn't make any sense to anyone pls enjoy the videos and ignore the rest :-)

Courtesy: My bro for sharing the links.

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