Thursday 23 June 2011

Indian Media - Does it have any standard these days?

Last day, i.e, on 22nd June 2011, as usual I was going though the news papers and I saw a column in the first page of Times Of India, Bangalore edition. The news was nothing but, "Ash Pregnant,tweets thrilled pa-in-law Big B". I was wondering, does this particular news have this much importance to be in the first page of the best selling news paper? If I am correct India is the second highest, in terms of population and millions of babies are born every week, what makes it so special to be in the first page? Apart from hundreds of scams and murders and other hot news which are happening across the country, for TOI, this is the hottest news :-)
I am attaching the screen shot of the TOI first page below:

I convinced my self that it might have that much importance since the baby is from Bachan's family, whatever...! The very next day I again I check the paper and saw an other shocking news, attaching the screen shot (Marked in red circle) below:
The news says, "Baby girl or twins for Ash!" and another link which says, "Baby girl for Ash-Abhi!". I am sure that, Amithab Bachan will be thinking, "why the hell I had tweeted the news" :-) Can Indian media write anything about anyone? Does the Indian media have got any kind of restrictions? I really don't know the answers for the above questions. Lets all face the atrocities from this kind of medias. So Folks, don't get shocked reading the news paper tomorrow, even GOD doesn't have any clue what they gonna write in the coming articles :-)


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