Saturday 11 June 2011

My First Blog - Let it be for a good cause

This is my first blog in my life and there is reason behind it.. Today morning, i.e on 11th June 2011, I reached my sis's flat in Bangalore and parked my vehicle in our slot where I noticed a guy cleaning the car. Every time I come to the place, the car looks spic and span and I guess it is washed almost everyday. The flat is of average size which can easily accommodate more than 100 Families. I looked around the parking lot and I found that almost every car will be washed almost every single day which is good in a way, everything looks pretty neat. Almost every family in the flat is very well paid or business people and spending some Bucks for car wash is not a big deal and even we do the same. Later I started gestating the effect of a simple thing, "cleaning the car everyday" by every one in the flat, how much volume of water is wasted per day? Just imagine there are thousands of High end flats and apartments in Bangalore alone and if every family does the same, what will be the effect? Lakhs of liters of water is wasted just for the beauty of the car alone. My intension is not to blame every one including me, but why not we make it to wash, once or twice a week? Its time for each of us to think for the posterity, their future, lets ACT together and do something for the "world".

From this day I have decided not to waste water and electricity unnecessarily. I request every one whoever reads this blog to pledge yourself not to waste water or electricity unnecessarily and spread  the same to everyone. I am asking myself, the below questions?

  • Do I keep the tap open the whole time when I brush my teeth? 
  • Do I go out of the room without without switching off the light and fan?
  • Do I keep the TV on without watching it and using the laptop simultaneously?
  • Do I keep my laptop and mobile for recharging the whole night?
  • Do I keep all the lights on at home, even if no one is around?
  • OOPS! there are a lot of questions I need to ask myself  :-)

I think my answer for all the questions is "YES". Folks, we all are very fortunate to get all these facilities, its time for us to act, not to think, this day onwards we will join together to make an impact and do at least this for our "world".



  1. Excellent Viju, first and foremost good going and a gr8 initiative......Do not really know whether every one is into the habit of washing their cars or two wheeler every day and at the same time how easy it is for ppl to get rid of this habit, difficult to comment on it. But yes alternatives is perhaps the best foot forward. Making ppl realize the waste is going to contribute towards lack of essentials in their life and a rise in prices may make them give a deep thought too all the above.....Well what i could suggest is make these things more visible to ppl, they should be able to C all that that is going to hamper their daily lifes in near future. A public forum similar to this one should be able to fire up ur plans....Cheers with you on this at every step

  2. Cool dude :) Your first blog and very impressive.. 1st post on Social Activities/ECO-System :) Hope&wish you follow it in real time ;)


  3. Thanks Guys..! I'm glad u guys r thinking of it and looking for a good cause, Really appreciate it. @Aswini- "every one is into the habit of washing their cars or two wheeler every day", I really agree with u that we usually don't it ourself every day and thats why I specifically mentioned only about "high end flats" where they have workers allocated for it.
    @Tejas - Dude I'm following the same from long time, U know that its been ages since Ive washed my vehicle.. U know it ;-)

  4. Awesome Viju! great move.... its high time that everyone around us, including me, seriously take up the initiative....
